Friday 27 May 2011

Day18-Day24 Alice Springs-Alice Springs

DAY 18 to DAY 24

 Here we are again! It has been so busy there has been no time to catch up with the news. Although, most of you would have received an Uluru sunset picture from one of us on our phones. That was to make you all envious.
We left Alice Springs and travelled The Stuart & Lassiter Highways to Yulara calling in to the Henbury Meteorite Conservation Reserve and the lookout to Mt Connor.
Camp at Yulara great –No mice!! Plenty of Bunnies but they were no problems.

Up and out to Uluru by 0900. Graeme did the full walk on the Rock. Jan went as far as the chain and Col and I a bit below that – the height was too overwhelming for us.

Uluru was incredible. Went for other walks and saw some aboriginal Art. The changing faces of the rock as you go around it awesome. As most of you saw we went to see the sunset on Uluru and that was special - we stayed after dark to see the full moon rise over the Rock and that was also Special.

Next morning saw doing a helicopter flight over Uluru and the Olgas. It was good despite it being a bit hazy due to some burning off the day before. After the flight we travelled to the Olga’s and did the Valley of the Winds walk which was 7.4 Klms.

It was a bit difficult and hot but really beautiful and well worth it.

That afternoon we were picked up from Camp for “The Sounds of Silence” dinner in the Desert. It was a desert site between Uluru & The Olgas. We were served Canapes & Champagne and watched the sunset – beautifull!
Dinner was served to the sounds of a Didgeridoo playing and there was a Star talk.
Met some some nice people, Including a couple from Houston. Texas and a young couple from a mining camp near Mackay.  All round a lovely evening.

Left Yulara next morning, had a brief stop at Curtin Springs then turned off the highway onto Luritya Rd. and onto Ernest Giles Rd. And Went onto “The Boggy Hole Track”. Advised the track was still impassable but more towards the other end so decidedto give it a go.It turned out to be a 5 Hr Marathon of Sandy Riverbeds/Rocky Riverbeds/Watercrossings-(Finke River)/Bulldust/Grassy,narrow,rocky Tracks.

We travelled through the lovely Finke Gorge National Park. The scenery was truly beautiful.Dark overtook us after 68Kls and we still had not found the Boggy Hole camp area so camped on the edge of the creek – Next morning walked along the track approx 2 Kls and found the Boggy Hole Camp ground –the Creek was passable but the exit from the creek was very deep, dry, boggy sand. The flooding had made many changes to the area. Decided not to continue so packed up and drove the 68 Kl out. It was a beautiful trek back out stopping for many photos.We took a little short cut to Ernest .Giles Rd which meant a long Sandy Palmer riverbed crossing. After letting our tyres down to 20lb we all made a successful crossing.It took another 5 Hours.
Travelled Luritja Rd once more onto Kings Creek Station where we planned to camp for the night. Great camp –baked camp oven dinner and fire. Days are lovely and warm the nights cool.
Sunday morning Jan was dismayed to find evidence of a mouse in her car!! Yes we are in a mouse area again.!! The hunt is on.
Spent the morning doing The Rim Walk at Kings Canyon. It was a 6 Kl walk- Ascents and descents a little difficult but the scenery was awesome! It took 3.5 hours and we all enjoyed it immensely.Checked out Kings Canyon Resort.

Had a lovely evening once more with Jan making CWA Pumpkin Scones, Lyn making (Rhonda’s) dessert and I made a Mango chicken for the main meal all in the camp ovens. We are still chasin’ the mouse in Jans car!Col made an elaborate water trap for overnight( cannot buy a mouse trap –all sold out)to catch it.
Next morning the mouse had been for a swim but had eaten its way out of the trap!! So still mouse hunting!
Had a very productive morning doing all our chores washing,writing journals,down loading photos, and I was writing this to “word” Had Jan,s Pumpkin scones for MT.
In the afternoon went for a walk to Kathleen Springs Walk (2.6 Klm) very beautiful walk and the Kings Creek Walk (2Klm) a lovely walk up the creek bed to a viewing platform with stunning views of sheerCanyon walls. Had thought to stay for the sunset on the ranges at Kings Canyon but decided it was not worth it.
Left Kings Canyon next morning-Tuesday 24th May- to travel the Mereenie Loop Rd to Hermannsberg all Gravel - Pleasantly surprised   the road was quite good. Saw Albert Namatjira’s house

Called in to see David Fisher (works C7 LBH ) who is out working at Hermannsberg at the moment for approx 6 weeks.Visited the Hermannsberg Historical Precinct- Memorabilia of a Lutheran mission established in the late 1800,s.
Drove into Palm Valley campground very beautiful once more – water crossings, along rocky and sandy river beds and some lovely red Gorges – Awesome!!. We were in the top end of Finke Gorge National Park this time.

Set up camp in the NP camp ground, had a good camp . Had one Dingo visitor which was not problematic.
Next morning-We- drove an interesting 4WD track to Palm valley then went for a walk up the Gorge into the valley with the Palms then along the Ridge of the gorge and back to carpark-Beautiful!!

We left PalmValley and travelled Larapinta Drive then onto Namatjira Drive.Stopped  at Gosse Bluff-very rugged Mtn. Range thought to be a Meteorite basin..The drive to Ormiston gorge was was surrounded with mountain ranges – fantastic!
Stayed at Glen HelenLodge campground which was beautiful with a hugh red gorge wall as a backdrop.We went and watched the state of Origin at the Pub.-go you beautiful Maroons!!
Today Thursday 26th has been very busy. Packed up by 0800 – very cold!! Went for a stroll to the Glen Helen Gorge then drove to Ormiston Gorge. Went on the Gum tree Walk which was an uphill walk to a lookout over Ormiston Gorge.

Did not do the full walk as you had to SWIM to cross the creek to finish the walk-This definitely was not an option given the temperatures!! Great view of the Gorge.2.6Klm return walk.
Called into the Ochre Pits then onto Serpentine Gorge.

This was a 1.3 Klm walk into a Gorge and water hole then a  climb up a Rocky “Goat track” to a lookout over the Gorge-Awesome!!
Had lunch at Ellery Creek Bighole a beautiful big Rockhole and Gorge.

Travelled back into Alice Springs which is always fantastic through the Ranges

We are now back in Alice Springs to restock before we head south.
Not sure when we will catch up on the Blognext as we are now heading south to the Painted Desert our next place of note.


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