Wednesday 4 May 2011

Day 3-day 5 Charleville-Windorah-Bedourie-Boulia

 Left Charleville around 0800 and set out for the 200klm run to Quilpie..about 40Ks out of Quilpie Jan got a flat tyre! We made that our MT stop while the fellas changed the tyre. We forgot to get a photo!!
The drive through to Windorah had a lot of narrow road but the countryside was lovely and green and the grasses waist high. There was very little traffic.
We planned to stay at Coopers Creek camp area- 10Klm out of Windorah- but soon changed our plans as the smell was dreadfull due to a massive fish kill in the creek. There were dead fish everywhere.It was awful to see.
we styed the night in the  Windorah Caravan park.
Youjust drive in and find a site and they came around and collected the fees for the night $5!! Great little park and good amenities.It rained overnight but woke up to a nice day.
Spent apart of the morning at the Tyre shop and by the time we had checked out the shop and museumit was around 0930 before we left for Bedourie.We were given a parcel by the garage to drop into Morley Plains station.The landscape was beautiful with all shades of green everywhere and sand blows and and dunes.
When we hit the gravel we met 12 Roadtrains some carrying cattle and some empty. I am glad we did not meet them before as the road was very narrowand some places difficult to get off.

This is a photo of Mt Henderson and typical of the landscape along this area.
We crossed many channels of the Diamontina River. When we stopped for lunch the flieswere thick and friendly.
20Klms out of Bedourie there was a lot of water along the sides of the road and in several places we had to drive through water approx 0.2 metres for 30-40 metres.there were lots of birds mainly kite and so many ducks on the water it was amazing. We arrived in Bedourie at approx 1615. We stayed at a camp area associated with the local pool and Artesion Spa. Good Spot. Had a very Hot spa and swim in the pool prior to happy hour and dinner. Met up with 4 cyclers who are riding from Port  Augusta to Kurumba.They average 100klm a day.
 Woke a little late this morning -for the first time there were no roosters crowing!! early.
After pack up we drove back out to the water crossings to play and take some action shots.                                                                                                                                     

 Stopped in Bedourie after our play in the water and had MT in nice park area there then headed for Boulia. Decided  to have a short run today due to our late start. Caught up with the bike riders and  gave them a small donation for their cause-Angel flight. The scenery once again was a multitude of green with lots of water lying on the plains. It became dryer towards Boulia.
This is a picture of our camp at Boulia on the banks of Bourke River. Will possiblyhave a few days now out of  mobile service so will catch up again soon.


  1. You guys must have gone the wrong way. Far too much water and green grass. You know you shouldn't put a tent on that green stuff out there- it's not right. Good to hear you are getting all of your flat tyres out of the way early in the trip.

    One day I will find someone silly enough to do a bike ride out there with me. Might try to arrange that one day.

    Stay safe on the roads.
    Vernon and Anne

  2. Great pics!!! I had morning tea with Nana and Aunty Jen today. Called in to home this morning, no problems. Cleaning lady had been. Let us know when you are back in service xo
